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EMI Music

"EMI Music" is a music publishing house title (not a label), printed on labels and spanning countries. Also see below.
WARNING: This is a company page used as an umbrella for various EMI labels - EMI Music does not actually release records. Any release placed here is incorrect - they should be under EMI or a related sublabel. PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK any submission that links to this EMI Music page, and, if possible, place them under the correct label.

EMI Music was established on the 1st July 1978 as the corporate music related division of EMI Ltd. (EMI), following the restructuring of it's former worldwide record (publishing) and electronics divisions. EMI Music initially consisted of 2 operational arms - EMI Music Europe & International, headquartered in London, headed by EMI Records Ltd., covering all interests outside North America and EMI Music Worldwide based in Hollywood headed by its principal US subsidiary Capitol Industries-EMI, Inc. (later Capitol-EMI Music, Inc.) covering the music groups interests in North America. Additional regional divisions including e.g. EMI Music Group Australasia were later established in many other countries managing local EMI releases and local sublabels.

On the 13th Nov 1979 EMI Ltd. merges with the multinational Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd. forming the conglomerate Thorn Emi Plc. in 1980 which becomes the ultimate owner. As of 1995 Thorn EMI Plc was operating as 3 principal divisions Thorn (electronics), HMV Group (rental and retail) & EMI Music, in 1996 the conglomerate was demerged and renamed EMI Group Plc with EMI Music & HMV Group divisions staying with this newly established (holding) company.