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Rodven Discos

Venezuelan record company. Please use Rodven Discos C.A. when credited as such.

Operated a pressing plant, built in 1979-1980.

In 1980 Grupo Cisneros created Rodven Group Of Companies, resulting in manufacturer Rodven Discos, labels Rodven and Sono-Rodven, and distribution company Sono Rodven, C.A..

Eventually became the major Venezuelan recording company. In mid 80s Rodven Discos signed a joint venture with EMI Group to create EMI-Rodven, C.A., a manufacturer and distributor of all EMI Group catalogue and new music in the country.

In mid-late 90s The Dutch entertainment company Polygram N.V. agreed to acquire Rodven Records of Venezuela for $57 million. Polygram said the acquisition would raise its share of the $2-billion-a-year Latin American music market to 16 percent from 13.5 percent. The purchase will also double Polygram's share of the Latino-music market in the United States.
In 1994-1995 became PolyGram Records S.A. (Venezuela) and in early 1999 Universal Music Venezuela S.A.